Merrell— Choprock Gameday

    • PR & EVENT

配合 @merrelltaiwan 鞋款發布,規劃「Choprock Gameday」,於新山夢湖整合登山健行、SUP水上運動等互動項目,結合產品體驗並串聯社群擴散,傳達產品性格。


To launch the brand new @merrelltaiwan footwear, we developed an outdoor product experience event “Choprock Gameday”, coordinating hiking, SUP, and various interaction to deliver product experiences and local community engagements.

Deliverables of the campaign included: strategy, marketing plan, PR engagement, event execution and documentaries.

#merrell #WILDERlab
#WeAreWILDER , let’s get wilder.
