#WeAreWILDER, let's get wilder.

#WeAreWILDER , let’s get wilder.

山型者WILDER-都市的野遊者,台灣指標戶外社群與創意單位,熱愛登山、露營等各式戶外活動,期望建立新世代野遊青年文化,曾發行台灣第一本戶外裝備年鑑,凝聚裝備愛好者之二手市集,並創立台灣第一個結合戶外探索的年度野營盛典 – WILDER LAND,致力於透過各種新媒介傳達「理想的戶外風格」。


#WeAreWILDER , let’s get wilder.

We dedicate to share the joy of exploration across wilderness adventures and urban life for modern nature lovers. As an outdoor curatorial team, integrated urban elements in every movement to bring outdoor as an ideal everyday lifestyle. WILDER has published the 1st outdoor gear year book in Taiwan, and established “WILDER LAND”, the 1st camping festival event to tied in with various outdoor explorations.

Go out and explore, to make outdoor different, to celebrate minds of freedom. #WeAreWILDER , let’s get wilder.